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Article: Successful clothes shopping

Onnistunut vaateostos: näin vältyt hutiostoksilta Toive

Successful clothes shopping

Have you ever noticed that you bought a piece of clothing that you ended up not wearing? Maybe you didn't know in which situation you could use the garment, what you would combine it with, or suddenly it didn't feel like your own? The garment may have looked beautiful in the store, but after a few wears, the material has started to look shabby. You may have bought a piece of clothing that seemed like a good idea at the level of thought, but which in reality has not ended up being used, or at least not often enough.
You are certainly not the only one, but the situation is unfortunate from many points of view, as time, money and storage space have been wasted. Not to mention what you will do with the garment in the future: sell, donate or give to a friend?
Hut shopping can be frustrating, because we want to make purchases that serve us for a long time, are durable and suit our needs. The purpose of this article is to help you think about clothes shopping through five questions, so that you can successfully avoid shopping in the future!

What does the garment go with?

One of the most important questions when buying new clothes is to think about what you already have in your wardrobe, with which you could combine it. It would be good for a new garment to complement the wardrobe and not make a gap in it. Colors, patterns and models have a significant effect on how the new garment fits together with the other clothes in your wardrobe.
For example, when buying a new shirt, it's good to think about all the bottoms in your wardrobe that you can combine it with. If you come up with several versatile outfit combinations for a new garment, the garment will probably be used often. If you have to wait longer, what you could wear the garment with, you should think about the purchase decision calmly. You don't have to make decisions right away!

What different situations is the garment suitable for?

We love versatile clothes, because they are suitable for many different situations, from everyday life to parties. In order to avoid impulse shopping, it is worth thinking about which clothes you would choose to wear in all different situations. A multi-purpose garment can serve just as well at the office as at dinner. When styled in different ways and using different accessories, you can give the garment a completely new look!
We have four wonderful seasons in Finland, and often each season has its own clothes. However, multi-purpose clothing can be used in every season, and there is no need to transfer it to winter storage after the summer or vice versa. For example, a t-shirt made of cotton is perfect for the heat of summer, and in winter it can be layered under a woolen jacket or hoodie.

Does a new garment make getting dressed easier?

As a rule of thumb, a new piece of clothing should complement the wardrobe in some way. The garment can be one with an interesting new style, cut or color that you don't already have. This way, a new garment brings with it something new and interesting to wear. It's easy to get lost in online clothing stores and clothing stores to admire clothes, but when you buy what you need and fill the gaps in your wardrobe, you avoid shopping at thrift stores.
Sometimes a piece of clothing bought for a need is something that makes it easier and faster to get dressed in the morning. In this case, it goes perfectly with all existing clothes, such as the perfect pair of jeans or a beautiful black long-sleeved shirt . When a garment offers new combination options, it probably meets wardrobe needs.

Is the garment long-lasting?

High-quality clothes last for a long time and well-maintained clothes are pleasing to the eye. For example, have you ever bought a new sweater, which, after the first couple of uses, has puckered up and the feeling of newness has gone away from the shirt immediately? It was probably a sweater made of artificial fibers.
It is therefore worth taking a look at the material information of the clothes before buying the clothes. Clothes made of high-quality materials and finished with care are long-lasting, as they withstand use. They can often become even cheaper when you don't have to update them often.
The longevity of the garment is also affected by the timelessness of the garment . Trends come and go constantly, so it's worth considering which of them you want to jump into. The long-lasting garment has a timeless design that is part of the cornerstones of the wardrobe. Cornerstones of the wardrobe  can be used year after year, as they never go out of style. 

Is the garment practical?

Practicality is important in everyday life! In materials, you should prefer easy care if you want to be able to maintain the garment yourself by local stain removal, airing or washing it at home.
The fit of the garment is also part of practicality. A beautifully designed skirt or shirt can be really beautiful, but you should pay attention to the fit of the garment. It is worth observing whether the skirt rises or the shirt flows when moving. If you have to constantly adjust the garment, it is difficult to sit with it, or you only have to wear certain types of underwear with it, you should consider whether the garment will actually be used.
When you know your own style, are aware of the shortcomings of your wardrobe and only buy necessary clothes in which you feel good, your clothes shopping will probably be successful. Here you can find inspiration for summer dressing and help in finding your own style! Check out our most popular products as well.
Responsible clothes shopping! <3
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